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    Finetex Machinery supplies the completed settlement plan for customers and the service system meeting with customer’s requirement, and establishes the before, mid and after-service system.
Before service:
    According to the customer’s requirement, supplies the technology, whole plant plan, technical explanation and exchange, and gives the completed settlement plan.
    The series courses include commissioning, installing and training. The operators are required to hold the installation, test and adjustment with facilities till the quality excesses the standard.
    The collaboration job creates the economic benefits for customers in the most short time from goods to commissioning finish.
After service:
    Set up 24 hours service phone. After the personnel receives the customer’s trouble and if the equipment problem can’t be settled by phone     communication, within 24 hours (travelling time excluded), our personnels arrive at the customer’s site to carry out the repair work.
Finetex supplies the tryout of new products and the advanced reform of equipment for customers.
    One year guarantee & steady period. After period, the Finetex supplies the round services for customers over two times each year.
    Even if the mechanical trouble is caused by customer’s improper use or incorrect operation, the Finetex company still has obligation to supply the compensated service.

 JiangYin BaiTian Machine CO.,LTD   Copyright 2005