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Raw Cotton Performance
Grade: 2.5 degree; Average Main Length:27.11mm;
Impurity: 2.26%; Mature Modulus: 1.76;
Units: 5592; 100-gram Units: 1515(Total)


Cotton Combing Process Conditions:
Stab Roller Speed: 1106 Turn/Minute; Xilin Speed: 420 Turn/Minute;
Daofu Speed: 40 Turn/Minute; Active Cover Line Speed:190.1mm/min ;
ChuTiao Speed: 150 M/Minute; Raw Bar Units:22g/5m;
Xilin—Active Cover Isolation Distance: 9,8,8,9; Xilin—Daofu Isolation Distance: 5 Inch;
Actual Pulling Multiples: 120 Sets Output per hour: 40 KG;
Note: This 40 KG output is only for example, actual output maybe reach 50 KG.


Cotton Combing Machine Auxiliaries:
Stab Roller Pin Cloth: Shanghai Fareast
Xilin, Daofu, Active Cover Pin Cloth: Japan Jinjing Cloth;
Cotton Peeling Luola Pin Cloth: Changzhou Pin Cloth Factory
Front-back Fixed Cover and Cotton Net Cleaner: Complete Aluminium Alloy and Pin Cloth is Import Materials;
Stab Roller Pre-dividing & combing Board: Complete Aluminium Alloy and Pin Cloth is Import Materials.


Raw bar quality
(1)Raw bar impurity: 0.02~0.04%,35~40 Unit/gram;
(2)Uneven within 5 meters: 1.0% , outside uneven 1.5% ;
(3)Raw bar Wushi bar CV%: 2.5% ;
(4)Impurity deleting efficiency: 97.03% ;
(5)Short cloth growing rate: 4%(Fiber length 16.8mm)
(6)Cotton knot: 12~16 Unit/gram;
(7)Clear flower will reach impurity deleting rate of 65.6% provided that the above configuration:
(8)Clear flower short cloth growing rate: ≤0%.


The process configuration could be adjusted if need to increase the impurity deleting efficiency, however the short cloth rate will be relatively increased. If fully loose when reorganizing the clear flower, the cotton combing machine could increase the function of impurity deleting. So the cotton combing machine could make up the shortcoming of low impurity deleting efficiency. As a result the whole line will not only remain high impurity deleting efficiency, but also decrease short cloth increasing rate under a high output. So it is a very good choice and the rate of performance and price is more superior to other clearing & combing united production lines inside and outside of China.

 JiangYin BaiTian Machine CO.,LTD   Copyright 2005