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 Automatic Mixer M4X.M6X.M8X    

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The tufts are fed into machine by a fan.The MICRO PRESSUREE control of the every chambers keep full.the difference delivery speed between the chambers there is no conveyor belt. The higher the capacity of a mixer, the higher is the number of components which can be mixed in it. Because of the material condensation by means of conveying air, the capacity can be increased without any negative effect on the opening performance. In most cases,a machine height of 4200mm is sufficient,but if required,it can be extended to a maximum of 5200mm or reduced to a minimum of 3200mm. The Multiiple Mixer MX is available with 4,6,8chambers and an inner frame width of 1200.
High doubling rate
The tuft doubling rate at the multiple mixer outlet is equivalet to the number of chambers. It is multiplied if two mixers are installed in series,i.e.when for example a Multiple Mixer M4X with 4 chambers is combined with a Multiple Mixer M6X with 6 chambers.The doubling rate is 24. Two Multiple Mixers M4X&M6X WITH A machine height of 4200mm and an inner frame width of 1200mm have a storang capacity of approx.600kg of cotton.Assuming a throughput of 600 kg/h.the tufts coming together at the machine outlet at any selectable moment represent a period of 1 hours fo bale feed.This ensures long-term blend constancy.
Capacity: 1200kg/h r
Power:M4X:4.5kw M6X:9kw M8X:9kw
Fan power:3.75kw
LxWx'H:M4X:2500 × 1640 × 4200mm
M6X:4000 × 1640 × 4200mm
M8X:5000 × 1640 × 4200m m
Filter demand quantity:4200m3/hr-75mmw-c of suction

 JiangYin BaiTian Machine CO.,LTD   Copyright 2005