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 Jet Cleaner AV-50    

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It is to be considered as a first cleaning stage,and is always placed before the blenders and the JET Cleaners.The AV50 is psrticularly suitable for processing materials with a very high amount of contamination.Coarse trash particles are separated out and removed.

The chose procedure results in careful yet efficient cleaning.A cylinder equipped with special beater leads the material several times over a separating surface consisting of triangular mote knife. This process is entirely mechanical and independent of the transport air. Important characteristics of the raw material,such as fibre length,elongation and strength are maintained.

This cleaning principle separates the tuffs,exposing dust which is elimingted togehter with fibre fragments and small trash particles through a special continuous sution system.
Working width:1200mm
Demank quantity:6000m3/hr-75mmw-c of suction
Dust collecting:1200m3/hr-75mmw-c

 JiangYin BaiTian Machine CO.,LTD   Copyright 2005